Maat Soul


Welcome to Maat Soul Communities

Revitalize your health at our Wellness Tour’s next stop in Huddersfield! On Sun 9th Feb 2025, experience the cutting-edge Body MOT Bioscan, unveiling what your doctor may have missed.


This personalised journey offers:
 Full Bio-scan : 30/90-day detox programs : Tapping (EFT) : Fitness Guidance
Expert advice on natural products
Transform your life and secure your spot now!

Maat Solutions LTD

Welcome to Maat Solutions

Your ultimate destination for a holistic, top-to-toe inside-out Body MOT Biochemical Assessment.

If your body could speak, would you listen?

Now You Can A Body MOT Bioscan is a cutting edge non-intrusive technology. Scanning all major systems & much more.

Full comprehensive report, Full BP check. Bespoke 30/90-day programs & natural products available. Realign Recharge Rejuvenating

Benefits of a Body MOT Bio Scan Consultation:

  • Holistic Health Assessment: Get a complete picture of your health, including body composition, metabolic rate, hydration levels, and more.
  • Personalized Health Plan: Receive tailored recommendations based on your scan results to optimize your health and fitness.
  • Early Detection: Identify potential health issues before they become serious, allowing for proactive management and prevention.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor your health progress over time with regular scans and consultations.

Maat Solutions is here to support you on the journey of optimal health – Book Your Consultation Now and let us take care of the rest!




Grand Rising Beautiful Ones

The amazing properties in this jar will transform your skin, moisturising glowing bliss food to feed and nourish the cells, rashes, blemishes, eczema to name a few. 10% off use code Bliss on Lemongrass or New Lavender and Geranium this will soothe the skin.





Maat Soul Communitites

I am a Holistic therapist, a Naturopathic healer in energy and Intuitive Therapy, with over 20 years’ experience; working at cellular level, this includes working with Nature.
I also Provide a Body MOT Biochemical Assessment Service.

Book your in-depth consultation now and get your full report. 
Let us get you back on track to optimal health.